Sunday, June 6, 2010

New York - Buildings

Now that I finally have time to sit down and write a post about our trip to NYC, I'm having a difficult time figuring out what to write. I took close to 500 pictures between Thursday night and Sunday morning. We window shopped all over, ate a TON and enjoyed our time with family.

When I came home, everyone asked the typical questions: "Did you go to Times Square?" "Did you see the Statue of Liberty?" "Did you go to any Broadway shows?" "Did you buy anything fun?" "Did you see Ground Zero?" My answer was no to every single one of those questions, but we DID do a lot in a very short time in the city. We were there for cousin Katherine's wedding to Bruce ... not a vacation to explore the big city! When you subtract our traveling time, we were really only in the city for about 56 hours. For such a short time, I think we got a lot accomplished!

I've decided to break the trip down into a few posts, based on topics. Most will be full of pictures ... you can head over to Molly & Erik's blog to read their recap of the trip in more detail.

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