Saturday, July 5, 2008

3 McKnights & a Lund Painting Service

I've just ended my second of two painting shifts today at Casa de Construction (aka Molly & Erik's). The workmen are finally done, so now it's time to paint so that the rooms can really be done!

Yesterday morning, we got up early to go to the paint store to get a new color for their master bathroom and ceiling primer and paint. Today, we went to another paint store to get paint for the trim upstairs (thankfully to be done by a hired painter later this summer) and the living room, hallways and office.

We got started after a quick lunch and Molly and I remembered why we hated painting ceilings: it sucks! You spend 1/2 the time leaning back so far on a ladder that you might fall off, and the other 1/2 the time trying to figure out what you've painted so far and where to go next.

Erik has not been "allowed" to paint since the Cream Paint in the Guest Bath Debacle of '03. That left the two of us to fend for ourselves. Then Mom called to ask if we wanted her help. Yes, yes we do! [I just realized that my title is wrong: we are no longer 3 McKnights ... but when it comes to painting, it might be safe to say that McKnights are good at it, and Lunds need more practice ;) so 3 McKnights it is!]

Anyhoo ... after Molly and I gave Erik a test run with the ceiling painting, we realized he was good enough to be 2 extra hands! We painted this afternoon from about 12:30 until 4:15 when it was time to get ready to head to dinner. After a yummy dinner with family friends, it was time to come back for the second shift. We've been painting since 9:45 and now it's 11:42.

We didn't get as much done as we wanted due to lack of light in the living room tonight. This means that we have a delay in finishing the living room and getting it back to normal for Minnie to come back, relaxing on real furniture and DVR! One more day of working our hineys off. Hopefully this project will be done in the very near future!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So is everything back in place? To your liking? You need to post some pix.