Thursday, July 17, 2008

I'm not sure how I feel about this:

I saw this article on the front of the MSN homepage:

"New Yorkers try to swallow calorie sticker shock". It talks about the new NYC law that forces major chain restaurants to post the nutritional information for menu items right on the menu. It is no longer okay for them to just post the info on a poster in the back of the restaurant or have it online.

They say that, "putting the brakes on thoughtlessly inhaling calories is exactly the effect New York City health officials hoped the law would have. They say calorie labels could reduce the number of obese New Yorkers by 150,000 over the next five years, and prevent 30,000 cases of diabetes." That's pretty amazing!

The quotes in the article mostly came from customers who were shocked to find that the "healthy" menu choices were in some cases higher in calories than the typical "bar food" choices. Hmmmm. Interesting.

Pin It!


34th Stater said...

Thank goodness I looked closely at the photo ... I thought the Chocolate Chip cookie was $4.40 and only had 175 calories.

As you pack-up to move to OP, leave behind any snacks that aren't lettuce, celery and radishes!

A new address and a new life!

Have you figured out how many calories you burn walking up stairs? I'd guess about 10 per stair.

Anyone have a higher guess?

RachelC said...

I don't think the signs would stop me from eating anything. I would just feel guiltier about eating the higher-calorie food. Bad idea!

Anonymous said...

I think it's a great idea -- the portion sizes for everything have gotten way out of hand. I learned the other day that a serving of cereal is 1/2 cup. I dare any of us to say that is all we eat when we sit down to breakfast.

34th Stater said...

Foeget about cereal ... I care about ice cream and popcorn!

Betsy, if you don't have anything else going on, please post wedding photos on Sunday!

Bets said...

Rach ... I agree!
I felt the same way when I found out that my favorite meal combination at Panera is choc-a-bloc loaded with carbs! Guess what? I still eat it. ;)