Saturday, September 13, 2008

She's Back!

Oprah started back up this week! I'm just now finding time to get caught up on the shows that I did DVR.

Who else saw the show on Tuesday with Charise, the 16-year-old singer? This clip isn't the greatest, but you'll get the point!


Em and I obviously weren't there this week ... but I wish I could have been for at least one of her new shows!

Pin It!


chitknit said...

Wow - that's pretty amazing.

We should totally road trip to Chicago sometime and get tickets for Oprah. I'd be down for that.

Anonymous said...

I thought you were "so over Oprah." You flip-flop as much as a certain Mr. McCain.

Bets said...

I wrote this post before I had a chance to see that after Monday & Tuesday's shows ... things went downhill!
I like her show, I just don't like how obsessed she is with weight loss. Can't we all just be happy with out bodies and call it a day?