What a crazy/exciting/emotional/hectic/wonderful/amazing/unforgettable day!
It started out with me taking pictures of my classroom to show my new winter decorations (because I didn't think I had anything else to write about) ... and ... now it's ending with me having beautiful pictures to share of the new addition to the family!
Before the pictures come, here's a bit of how the day went.
Just a day or two ago, I gave Molly & Erik my work number. I thought they should have it just in case the baby came early and that way they could call school & have them transfer the call to my classroom. I knew it wouldn't get used because we all were expecting little Lulu to come after her due date ... maybe closer to a Christmas baby!
Then, yesterday I was telling one of my paras that I really should get my desk corner organized and be more prepared with lesson plans in case Molly was going to have the baby before school got out for Winter break.
Fast forward to this morning. I'm minding my business and getting ready to start teaching Math after specials when I notice that I've missed a phone call on my classroom phone. I realized it was Molly & called to check my messages immediately! This is the gist of what Molly said: "I'm being admitted the hospital right now. I'm having the baby sometime today. I'm fine. The baby is fine. DO NOT FREAK OUT! Do not leave work. Call me ... bye!"
Sooooo ... what did I do? I started freaking out. I tried to figure out how and when I could leave work. I immediately scurried around the building to get sub plans made & figured out.
During the day, I got calls from Mom & Molly tell me that things were going well. They were going to induce her this afternoon, but that could still mean that the baby came well into the night or even tomorrow. The next phone call was from Mom a little after 2:00. I answered during indoor recess and Mom said that Lulu's heart rate had dropped, so they were going straight to a C-section. There would be no waiting. No delivery. Just wanted to get the baby out as soon as possible. I was totally out of it the rest of the day. There were some tears because of happiness and because of how unsure I was of what was going on and how everyone was doing. Less than an hour after I got the call about the C-section, I got another call from Mom, "What do you want to know first?" Of course, it was her name! I raced to get things ready to be gone tomorrow and I left school when the kids walked out at 3:45pm.
After running home quickly to let my little baby out, I rushed to the hospital to find that everyone was still in the waiting room and nobody in the family had seen Molly or the baby yet. We waited a bit more because Molly wasn't feeling that well and the little peanut was under the "baby toaster" as someone called it tonight.
So ... without further adieu ... here are the pics from tonight.
Welcome, Ellen Hampton Lund! She's a beauty!! 6 pounds, 2 ounces. 17 inches long. Full head of hair and pink squishy cheeks! Both Mom & baby are healthy and doing well and we are so happy that today finally came!All bundled up. That is 3 or 4 blankets. She looks much bigger here than she actually is and she was even tiny in her swaddling blankets.
Ellen, Grandma Lund & the proud Daddy!
Look at that smile on Mom's face! She came in to talk to Molly first and to see how she was doing. I immediately rushed over to see Ellen. This was the first time Mom was seeing her.
This is a great pic! So precious! Mom, I think Minnie's got some competition for most pictures up in your office. :)
Here she is with Dad. She was nuzzled up in that blanket so well, that we could sort of just pass her around. I'm sure there will be lots of open arms to hold her!
Both Grandmas and the new baby!
This will be the new background on my computer once I get back to school. Our first picture together!
Look at all her hair! Molly was born with A LOT of hair, but Mom thinks Ellen has even more. We peeled back her little hat so we could see, and E squirmed around a bit. I think it almost looks like one of those baby toupees from that SNL spoof commercial. Ha! Don't worry Molly & Erik ... I still love it!
The nurse unwrapped her to take her vitals. This was the first time we saw more than just her face. Teeny, tiny toes.
That tiny diaper sure does look big on her. After Molly talking for months about the idea that she might be too big for 0-3 month clothes, I was getting worried that she would already be bigger than all the clothes she had. Now I think we have the opposite problem: all the clothes are too big! Since I have the day "off" tomorrow, I'll shop around to see what I can find that might fit her for the first few weeks.
Here are some of us taking a food break. Molly was taking some time with Ellen alone and so the rest of us went back to the waiting room for d'Bronx pizza. We would have felt bad leaving her, but she couldn't have any food anyway! I didn't realize how hungry I was. I was so flustered today, that I didn't eat anything before this pizza at 5:45ish.
And then we came back to the room to find baby & Mommy doing well. Here is Ellen giving me the stink-eye since I was going a little camera/flash crazy. She better get used to it. I'm gonna be taking lots of pictures!
And here's the happy family! So precious! CONGRATS Mom & Dad & Baby Lund!
And one last picture for good measure! Be sure to come back ... I'm sure there will be many more updates! :)
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Surprise! I'm here early!

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GREAT PICS, BETSY! I am so happy for you and the whole fam! I hope I get to meet Miss Ellen when I am home for Christmas. ENJOY!!! :) J
Yay! Aunt Betsy!
What a beauty! Great pics and post, and congratulations to everyone!
We can't wait to meet her!
I love that Molly's vm to you said: Don't freak out, don't leave work, everything is fine.
Did she know who she was talking to?
That is so wonderful, and what a beautiful baby girl!!! Congrats to the family! :)
Aahhh! How precious, Congratulations on the new addition to your family, she is beautiful!
Betsy, I am so happy for you!!! Being an AUNTIE is the best ever...especially to a girl!!! Take good care of your sis and the new addition to the family! I can't wait to see more pics of the cutie pie!
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