Wednesday, March 12, 2008

It's just a little baby!

Tonight at yoga dinner, one of Mitzi's friends walked up with the cutest, tiniest, laptops I've ever seen. It honestly looked like a play or kids' laptop. She said it was called an EeePC. Who has heard of them??? How did I not know about these? I asked if they came in pink (of course I asked that) and Sue said they did!

Here are a couple of pictures of the Eee, the top one shows the cute pink color and the bottom one shows how small it is. It is almost the size of a portable DVD player. Go check them out! They are selling for anywhere from $200-$407! What a bargain for those of you that don't need a "full" laptop or something that has all the fancy, schmancy programs or settings!

Pin It!


chitknit said...

Are you sure it's not just a DVD player with a keyboard?


Anonymous said...

Perhaps it's a compact. I can see the mirror and I bet the powder is under those button-things.

Anonymous said...

You'll fall for anything that's pink ... who makes it?